$faf|1-Here's one I made earlier... $ff9|2-Colour Fades $ffb $ffd $fff $ffd $ffb $ff9 $faf|1-For your Word articles... $fff by Dick $affPeople ask me how to get really nice fades in text articles, and it's really all a case of writing one number and changing it bit by bit until it becomes another number, simple really! $afaTo make this file more usable I'll use coloured text and show you all the values, thus: $fff|1-White to Red $fff $fff|2-Fade... $fee $fee $fdd $fdd $fcc $fcc $fbb $fbb $faa $faa $f99 $f99 $fff|1-White to Green $fff $fff|2-Fade... $efe $efe $dfd $dfd $cfc $cfc $bfb $bfb $afa $afa $9f9 $9f9 $fff|1-White to Blue $fff $fff|2-Fade... $eef $eef $ddf $ddf $ccf $ccf $bbf $bbf $aaf $aaf $99f $99f $ffaThese numbers in hexadecimal (eg: $ccf) should go at the very start of the line you want to change the colour of, in this text file I have had to enter then indented as well so that I can list them for you to copy out, load the file "00-Colours.txt" for a detailed examination. $fffMeanwhile, here are some more colour fades... $f99 $f99 $f99|2-Chewits $fa9 $fa9 $fb9 $fb9 $fc9 $fc9 $fd9 $fd9 $fe9 $fe9 $ff9 $ff9 $68a $68a $68a|2-Desert $bbd $bbd $fff $fff $532 $532 $853 $853 $b74 $b74 $e95 $e95 $faf $faf $faf|2-Pastel Nuke! $ebf $ebf $dcf $dcf $cdf $cdf $bef $bef $aff $aff $f88 $f88 $f88|2-Shocking $f89 $f89 $f8a $f8a $f8b $f8b $f8c $f8c $f8d $f8d $f8e $f8e $f8f $f8f $8f8 $8f8 $8f8|2-Grungey $9e9 $9e9 $ada $ada $bcb $bcb $cbc $cbc $dad $dad $e9e $e9e $f8f $f8f $fffend